30 days of Learning
& development

Work Tonic gives a wholesome exposure to the basics and advanced concepts through classroom learning and discussions, case studies, practical learning, field work, guest lectures, assignments and assessments.

In addition to the functional skills and soft skills, all candidates are introduced to the basics of Leadership skills, that inspires them to become one in future and making early behavioral adjustments towards it.

In the overall curriculum, Work Tonic equips the students with the most sought after soft skills by corporates, which enables them to navigate their work environment, work effectively – individually or in teams and achieve the overall goal.

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Placement Assistance

Get hired by the top organisations.

Work Tonic upskills you, and helps find a job.

  • CV preparation and training in skills required for interview and selection
  • Mock group discussions and mock interviews
  • Scheduling interviews with database of job opportunities available with Work Tonic

Upskill now to get Job Ready with Work Tonic

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